Proudly Providing Customized
Training and Services
Nationally & Internationally

Since our inception, FORENSICS 360, LLC has been focused on providing accurate, professional, and quality "hands-on" training in forensic analysis, crime scene investigation, and shooting incident documentation.
FORENSICS 360, LLC is an independent forensic training company offering; forensic analysis, case review, crime scene & shooting incident reconstruction services. As well as, expert testimony and professional, quality "hands-on" instruction in various forensic disciplines. Our instructors have over 80 years of experience in forensics and crime scene investigation. They have processed hundreds of homicides and thousands of crime scenes. They are court qualified as experts in the areas of crime scene investigation, evidence processing, forensic analysis of evidence, latent print processing, photography, and crime scene reconstruction.
Our mission is to provide accurate and the most current forensic analysis and crime scene investigation training with a "hands-on" approach. To provide precise instruction in crime scene investigation, evidence collection, forensic processing, and shooting incident reconstruction.
Our vision is to provide the most professional forensic analysis and crime scene investigation training with professionalism and integrity.
FORENSICS 360, LLC provides the most current and accurate forensic training. All training is provided through FORENSICS 360, LLC and its associates. We provide a variety of forensic analysis, evidence processing, and crime scene investigation training to working forensic practitioners and forensic students. All courses are taught with a "hands-on" approach giving the students the maximum exposure and experience in crime scene processing techniques.
FORENSICS 360, LLC will also provide training at law enforcement agencies. For more information on hosting a training course please email us: info@forensics360.com